Monday, 11 April 2016

Jump-Starting Your Essay Writing

Looking to get a jump-start on your essay assignment? If you are the type who ends up staring at an empty Word document for hours on end, these tips for jump-starting your process might work out for you:
1. Write down your purpose.
You may not come up with a full idea about what to do with your subject, but setting your purpose down on paper will clear up a lot of things. Instead of thinking of a multitude of items, just focus on one: What is your purpose - that one thing you want to achieve with your essay (e.g. "to explain the differences between 19th century politicians and those from today").
2. How will you achieve this purpose?
Begin to list down the way to achieve this purpose? What specific steps will you need to include in the essay to achieve it?
3. Let it simmer.
With your purpose and your main paths towards it written down, it is time to let it all simmer. Leave it for a day and allow it to percolate.
4. Put your idea in a nutshell.
In one paragraph, consisting of four to five sentences, try to write down the entire thing. What is the essence that you want to convey?
5. Outline.
With your main idea summarized, you can now expand it into an outline containing all the major points, facts and arguments you will need to fully communicate it.
At first glance, this process might seem longer than just sitting down and writing everything. Using this, though, you eliminate a lot of the wasted thought processes that go into producing your work in a disorganized manner. Just like using essay writing software, it streamlines the activity, saving you plenty of time in the long run.

Pre written Essays
Thesis Writing

Top 5 Ways To Get Pre Written Wedding Vows

The hardest part of planning a wedding is doing your own vows. You might love your partner to death. You might be able to express your love to your partner while you are alone with him or her. You might be the shy type and your partner accepts this, but you are getting married and the most important thing is that you both know that you love each other. It is very difficult writing your thoughts and feelings down on a piece of paper only to have to read it out in front of your entire family.
That is why there is such a thing as pre written wedding vows. Now most men make the mistake of not telling their wives that they had their wedding vows pre written for them. If anything, you must let your wives or future wives know that you are going to use a pre written vow.
It is very simple to get your hand one though, all you need to do really to use Google, there are thousands of free pre written wedding vows, but if you want to make it a bit more special than just something you download off the internet, and you could get your future wife involved here.
If you have a problem expressing your felling on paper you should hire a writer for this process. Speak to the writer and tell him or her what you and your wife want. The writer will ask you a series of questions and maybe a few things about your past, and the love you two have for each other. If the writer indeed knows what he is doing he will ask you a few questions and have everything to make it look like you two wrote the vows yourselves.

Pre written Papers
Apa Format Essay

Pen to Paper to Peel Off the Pounds!

The first thing that I insist upon for each and every one of my clients is to keep an open mind and upbeat attitude. The next step towards a healthier lifestyle is to maintain a detailed food journal. Just as someone might keep a "personal goal journal" or "daily blessing journal", the all important food journal should include the foods you eat along with the time you are eating. Feelings and thoughts about food as well as being able to evaluate your degree of hunger should be included in a well thought out food journal. It would be so much easier to provide my clients with a pre-written calendar like diary, including days of the week and a space for each meal and snack. But that doesn't work because it is not individually created and reflective of what a person is eating and feeling. On initial assessment, a form is just perfect because the basic details of one's dietary habits can be initially evaluated. But when one "creates" her own food journal (with guidance of what needs to be included by a health care professional), including specific comments on eating behaviors, timing of meals and even blood sugar readings it becomes personal. Eating is very personal. Everyone is an individual. And that is why nutrition counseling based on specific dietary needs works and " general pre-printed diets" don't. Food journals will identify nutritional issues as well as emotional and behavioral responses to daily situations.
If you write it, you own it. If you write down what you eat, you will connect your food and exercise program. At least initially, basic portion sizes and little bites have to be included. (100 calories here and 50 calories there still count). If you have diabetes, writing down your food and connecting it with your blood sugar response is the only way to see if your diabetes care plan (food, exercise and medications) is working for you. Requiring clients to keep a food journal allows them to see what they are actually eating. "Had a bad day" is not a descriptive food record. Honestly recording your food is a way to document what you are doing and why you are doing it. People who keep food journals significantly improve their chances of losing weight and more importantly have an increased chance of keeping the weight off long term. And for many, that is the ultimate goal!
If you have a blood sugar issue and you record what you are eating and when you are eating it, you will eventually be able to identify which foods and how much carbohydrate cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Reviewing the food journal with your registered dietitian can help pinpoint why you are not losing weight or why your blood sugar levels are high in the morning or why you are starving in the mid afternoon. According to a study done in 2008 (by Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research, funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health) of about 1700 people showed that those who kept a detailed food journal of what they ate and drank for six days a week lost twice as much weight as those who did not keep a food record. Wow!
If you have been resistant to writing down your food, consider how interesting it would be to evaluate what you eat and why you are eating it. It's time to learn how to change your habits. Writing down what you eat, when you eat it and how you feel about your food is an incredibly important tool in improving your overall nutritional health. Stop fighting and start writing!
Susan Weiner is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist who has a private practice in New York. Susan is a contributing medical producer for dLife TV and serves as a member of dLifes medical advisory board. Susan is a nutritionist for the diabetes program for, Bob Greene's health and weight loss website. Susan is a lecturer for many professional organizations including the American College of Sports Medicine, and was the official sports nutritionist for the American Diabetes Association Walk America program. Susan has been interviewed on TV and for print publications regarding various nutrition topics. Susan is a spokesperson for several food companies.

Pre written term paper
Academic Paper

Essay Paper Writing: Generating a Thesis Statement

The author has addressed organizing thinking to create a focused topic statement and to generate three main points about a topic in previous articles. For the example essay paper assignment used in those articles, the general topic statement developed is "A review of a current newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S.military" and the three main points developed related to that topic are:
• challenges facing black officers in U.S.military
• programs in U.S.military to promote officer candidates from black military personnel
• performance examples of black officers in U.S.military.
These three points to be made about the assignment topic are listed in order from "strongest point" to "least strong point" (because all are regarded as "strong" points). How these points were developed from an example assignment and why exactly three points are desirable is described in another article, but using these three points to develop an effective thesis statement is the focus of this article.
With thinking about the essay topic organized in a focused topic statement and three main points related to the topic, then all the data for generating a thesis statement are available -- but why have a thesis statement? With a succinct statement of a thesis (an author's focused thinking about a topic), an author can communicate clearly and effectively to a reader exactly what points are to be made about the topic and in what order these points are to be made in the paper.
The following are the author's criteria for an effective thesis statement:
  • communicates what is the general topic of the paper
  • presents the three main points to be made in the paper, listing them in the order they will be addressed in the paper
  • uses action verbs to indicate how author will present each point
  • is one sentence and is the last sentence in the first paragraph of the paper
In general, a paper is structured in three parts -- an introduction, the body, the conclusion. Think of the introduction as a single paragraph that is designed to introduce the thesis statement. Since the introductory paragraph is intended to introduce the thesis statement, then the thesis statement is expected to be developed prior to the development of the introductory paragraph. Often persons build an introductory paragraph before having developed an effective thesis statement indicating less than effective organizing of thinking about the paper!
With the general topic and three main points presented previously, what thesis statement might be developed? Start the thesis statement with a phrase that communicates the general topic of the paper. For example, for the general topic "A review of a current newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S. military," a phrase communicating that might be "Regarding black officers in the U.S. military,...." After this phrase communicating the general topic, use an action verb to introduce the first main point which will be the "least strong" of the strongest points generated.
Why address the least strong point first in a paper? In general, a reader is more likely to remember the last point addressed in a paper -- so make the last point addressed in the paper the strongest point! Previously the three points being used as an example in this article are listed and ordered from "most strong" to "least strong," so "performance examples of black officers in U.S. military" is the least strong point and will be the first main point addressed in the paper. Now the thesis statement is "Regarding black officers in the U.S.military, the author presents performance examples of these officers, then...."
In this example, notice the use of the action verb "presents" to describe to the reader what will be done with the first point -- and the use of such an action verb signals the reader a main point follows. Notice the use of "then" -- this signals the reader that something different follows, so reader may more easily recognize what follows as a different point to be addressed in the paper..

Essay Papers
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Essay Paper Writing: Building An Introductory Paragraph

In general, an essay is structured in three parts -- an introduction, the body, the conclusion. Think of the introduction as a single paragraph designed to introduce the thesis statement. Often persons build an introductory paragraph before having developed an effective thesis statement indicating less than the most effective organization of thinking about the topic of a paper! In this article, using an example thesis statement, the development of an introductory paragraph for an actual essay assignment is described.
In a cultural diversity class the author had an assignment to write an essay to " a current article that discusses or illustrates the portrayal of some aspect of cultural diversity in U.S.society." One current article which appeared to meet the assignment directions concerned black officers in the U.S. military -- it illustrated an aspect of cultural diversity in U.S. society. So the general topic of the proposed essay became "A review of a current newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S. military illustrating an aspect of cultural diversity in the U.S." This statement of the general topic of the proposed essay serves as the basis for the first sentence in the introductory paragraph. The first sentence of the example introductory paragraph might be something like "The media addressing some aspect of cultural diversity that was selected for this paper is a newspaper article discussing black officers in the U.S. military." Notice how this sentence clearly states what is the general topic of the essay which IS the main point of the introductory paragraph. Also notice how words from the assignment directions are used in this sentence -- communicating to the essay evaluator that the writer is paying attention to the assignment directions.
For the example essay paper assignment, one thesis statement developed was "Regarding black officers in the U.S. military, the author in this essay presents performance examples of these officers, then describes programs in the U.S. military to promote black officer candidates, and then explores challenges still facing black officers in the U.S. military." Notice how this statement begins with communicating the general topic of the paper followed by the presentation of three main points to be addressed in the essay using action verbs (presents, describes, explores) to identify what the author intends to do with each main point in the essay. For the most effective organization of thinking for an essay, stick with focusing on three and only three main points. This thesis statement becomes the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. So the statement of the general topic is the basis for the first sentence and the thesis statement is the last sentence in an introductory paragraph -- what's between these two sentences?
Although there are many resources available via the Internet describing how to build paragraphs, this author uses a simple four-sentence method for constructing a basic paragraph. In a basic paragraph, first sentence, often labeled the "topic sentence," states what is the main point of the paragraph. Second sentence provides some evidence that demonstrates or supports the main point. Third sentence describes for the reader how the writer understands the information provided in the second sentence DOES demonstrate or support the main point stated in the first sentence. Since the first three sentences DO communicate the main point of the paragraph, provide evidence to support or make that point, and explain how the evidence provided DOES support the main point according to the writer's understanding, then by the end of the third sentence, the point of the paragraph HAS BEEN MADE. Therefore, sentence four is designed to communicate to the reader that the point of the paragraph has now been made AND introduce the reader to the main point of the next paragraph. This four-sentence structure may be used to develop the three main paragraphs in an essay (and any subparagraphs for the main paragraphs) as well as developing the introductory paragraph.
Using this four-sentence structure to build the introductory paragraph, start the paragraph with a statement that clearly communicates the general topic of the paper. The topic statement developed for this example assignment as indicated previously is "A review of a current newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S. military," so a possible first sentence might be "The media addressing some aspect of cultural diversity that was selected for this paper is a newspaper article discussing black officers in the U.S.military." Notice how this sentence clearly communicates up-front to the reader what is the general topic of the essay and it clearly communicates to the essay evaluator the author's understanding of the assignment!

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Having Trouble Writing an Academic Paper Or Research Report? - A Book Review

Let's face it, if you have a school assignment, or you are writing a research paper for your industry, it is imperative that you get it right. And to do so, a lot of what you write and its credibility will be based on how you write the paper, not what it says. That may sound unfortunate to a good many people, but that's the way it is. Your paper has to be flawless, with no mistakes including spelling and punctuation. In any case, if you want to write the perfect research paper there is a very good book I'd like to recommend to you;
"A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations - Chicago Style for Students and Researchers" by Kathy L. Turabian, 2007.
This is probably one of the best books I have read for writing the Chicago style research papers. The author gives lots of tips on how to prepare and plan your work, even suggesting that you spend more time organizing, outlining, and setting up your work then you do actually writing it. The author also makes a very good point that it's best to write the title of your paper last, because once you're all done, you may have slightly modified what the paper is about, and the title will make any sense.
The author also suggests that you may need to rewrite the abstract once you are completed so that it matches what you've researched and written. Kathy also suggest that you keep your references as you go and that you "topic the questions" to your hypothesis. I'd recommend this book to researchers and students alike, and I especially loved her explanation of the need for detail and the recommendation that you spend most of your time doing the editing because "editing is the key."

Academic Papers
Online Papers

Improving Academic Writing Skills With Problem and Solution Papers

Academic writing is built by being able to argue a point. These points are self-created and self-taught and all are created with the same structure in mind. This structure provides a template and the template provides somewhat of a stable model for these arguments to surpass or even grow further. There are many different types of thesis documents and many of which have their own unique way of arguing for a thesis and one of them is the academic writing structure, problem and solution. This means that when a person provides information on problem and solution information that they are literally creating a problem and then providing a solution to it and solving that issue.
Academic Writing Techniques With Problem & Solutions
The individual is taught to find a problem and then recreate an opinion on how to solve that problem, but it is entirely theoretical and isn't applied in the text, but does develop some academic writing skills and a knack for relevance. Most writers will often times grab obvious issues in constructing a solution while building facts and statements to argue the point which is exactly what the structure is said to accomplish.
The Purpose Refined
The main purpose for this is to find a topic that is an issue or a problem that the writer suggests, is a problem in the first place and then provides supporting arguments stating that it is indeed a problem. Once that has been clearly mentioned the writer then goes about providing a solution based in theory in an attempt to solve the problem theoretically before any application actually takes place. Whether they intend to solve the issue or not is not stated and does depend on the type of academic writing assignment that is involved and what the student has created for themselves.
Problem & Solution Topics For An Essay
These documents are applied in business and scientific proposals for supporting methodologies like the scientific method and researching documents for academic writing and various other types of issues that require a layout before the action begins.
These are some topics to improve your academic writing skills
Increasing Energy crisis demands reform
Global warming equates to increased legislation
Preventing social media
Getting out of the
Eliminating manipulative people
Preventing self-bullying
Eliminating the influence of ignorance in society
Learning from different cultures
Improving interest in science
Solution for illegal
Eliminating drunk driving
Improving free speech
These topics often have more of a definite idea to them, although they don't have to be so defined in terms of what they are meaning. There could be information that takes a few different areas and sees what the combination is or otherwise includes something else into the mix.

Academic Writing
Online Essay

Outsource Tuition Assistance Administration

Does your company offer Tuition Assistance to employees but still administers the reimbursement program the old-fashion way? A valued employee has the task of tracking employee classes, dollars spent and follow-up. This in-house tuition administrator spends time tracking down employees to make sure the class was taken and the grade was acceptable to the policy. Employees who did not finish the class have to be hounded to repay the costs and that takes time and energy.
The in-house tuition administrator is usually not an expert on helping employees choose majors and degrees and help them align the degree with career goals. The HR Information Systems may not have the software to provide the reports and tracking of employees.
Outsourcing Education Assistance is a way to save valuable time and money. There are several Tuition Assistance Management companies whose core business is helping companies with tuition administration, from providing expertise in developing tuition policies to software systems and reporting to customer service and academic advising.
Some benefits of outsourcing are:
• HR Administrative Costs and Overhead Reduced. Tuition Assistance Administration saves time and money through a streamlined automated approval process and a support staff trained at handling employee calls.
• Negotiated Discounts from Schools. Reimbursement Administrators work with top spend schools for discounts and a portion of these discounts is passed to the company.
• Reporting Gives More Information to Company. The outsourced administration provides reports on expenditures, transactions, amount spent per school, amount spent by department and other reporting functions.
• Academic Advising Can Save Time and Money Off a Degree Plan. Academic Advising can save $2000 or more per employee or more on each degree plan.
Outsourcing Tuition Assistance is an easy way to free up valued employees' time. The outsourced administrator provides transaction functions, customer service functions and reporting functions. The company can be assured their corporate education programs will provide the education to employees while relieving valued employees of these mundane transaction functions.

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